Donna King CCSc
Director of Finance & Operations, CIPSRT
Donna King is currently the Associate Director of CIPSRT. Having assumed the position of Executive Director of the Collaborative Centre for Justice and Safety (CCJS) in June 2019, King has brought decades of management and executive leadership experience to this role, with particular expertise in systems management, strategic planning, and information technology. When CIPSRT was formed and CCJS was dissolved, she assumed the position of CIPSRT’s Associate Director. She has held Director-level positions with Viterra (2007-2011) and SaskTel (2011-2016), Vice President of Solutions Delivery with Saskatchewan Government Insurance (SGI; 2016-2017) and then spent two years as an Independent Information Technology and Services Professional prior to assuming her leadership position at CCJS. King’s wealth of upper-level management experience and business acumen are invaluable in ensuring the smooth operations and sound fiscal management of grants administered by CIPSRT.