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Clémence Emeriau-Farges

Research Associate

Dr. Clémence Emeriau-Farges is an Industrial-Organizational Psychology Researcher who completed her M.Sc. in Workplace People Management at the University of Québec at Rimouski, and Ph.D. in Psychology at the University of Québec at Trois-Rivières (UQTR). Her PhD research focused on work climate’s impact on police officers’ sustainable return to work after a work-related common mental disorder. Dr. Emeriau-Farges also held a two-years position as research professional and coordinator for the Research Chair UQTR-ENPQ in Prevention and promotion of psychological health at work in public safety, under the supervision of Dr. Deschênes (UQTR) and Dr. Gendron (ENPQ). She recently joined PSPNET as a Research Associate, focusing on the evaluation of PSPNET and developing French-language materials for public safety personnel and their families in Canada.

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